Simple LocoNet Throttle - The ADC

A closer look on the voltage curve at C1

                   Ua(t) := UU3,4(t)
                   Ur := +5V
                   R := R1 + xR2        where 0<=x<=1
                   C := C1
then the voltage at C1 follows ([1] equation 2.5a):
(1)              Ua(t) = U( 1 - exp(-t/RC) )
where Ua(t=0)=0 has been assumed.

We search
                   Δt := t2 - t1  = f (x)
(2)               Ua(t1) = Ur ( R3  /(R1+xR2+R3) )  = Ur ( R3 / (R+R3) )
(3)               Ua(t2) = Ur ( R7 /  (R6+R7) )

With (1) it follows from (2) and (3):
                   1 - exp(-t1/RC)  = R3 / (R+R3)
                   1 - exp(-t2/RC)  = R7 / (R6+R7)
                   t1 = RC ln( (R+R3) / R )
                   t2 = RC ln( (R6+R7) / R6 )
                   Δt = RC( ln( (R6+R7) / R6) - ln( (R+R3) / R ) )
                   = RC ln( ((R6+R7)R) / ((R+R3)R6) )

Measuring the ADC

A sample circuit (where R2 has been replaced by fixed value resistors) build shows the following values:

Tabelle 1
 R2 / kOhms  (2%)   ADC_RAW   Ua(t1) / mV 
0 70 140
1.0 81 130
2.2 95 120
3.9 113 110
4.7 122 110
8.2 160 100
10 181 95
15 236 90
22 316 85
39 503 80
47 594 75
56 692 75
68 827 75
82 982 70
100 (1%) 1187 70
100 + 4.7
  (both 1%)
1240 70

Plotting gives:
DATA PLOTT  [ slnthr0.gif ]

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